What are the signs of meningitis
If you are having some trouble with your throat and are not able to understand what is wrong, the possibility is that you have meningitis. Meningitis is very similar to the flu, the symptoms seem to be the same, yet, it would be beneficial if you stay alerted and understand the symptoms and signs of meningitis.
Symptoms and signs of meningitis
Symptoms and signs of meningitis may develop within hours or even take days to understand that it has developed in the body. A severe headache, stiff neck, fever etc. are the main symptoms that can tell you that it’s meningitis.

Some other signs of meningitis are as follows:
- Constant vomiting and nausea
- Disoriented and drowsy
- Highly sensitive to bright light
- Poor appetite
- Seizure, which may develop into a coma
The symptoms in infants could be as follows:
- Irritable syndrome
- Fever
- Mal feeding
- Lethargy crime
- A soft spot on the forehead which seems to be bulging
When the meningitis infection enters the bloodstream, there are some other symptoms you may undergo, such as:
- Change in color of skin
- High stomach pain
- Ice cold feet and hands
- Muscle and joint pain
- Heavy breathing
- Chills
What are the causes of meningitis?
Meningitis is caused because of certain bacteria and viruses.
The various kinds of bacterium that attacked the body because meningitis is as follows:
- Neisseria meningitides
This kind of bacteria can form a severe type of infection in the blood. About 15% of the population carry it inside their throats and never get sick. In very rare cases the bacteria penetrate and infect the blood. The bacteria usually spread via kissing, sharing drinks and food and through coughing and sneezing. Antibiotics are required to be taken to recover. There are vaccines given that can stop meningitis from attacking. - Haemophilus Influenza bacterium
These bacteria can cause meningitis. Vaccines are there to prevent infants and young ones from being attacked by meningitis. People with direct saliva contact of meningitis infected person may need medical intervention. - Streptococcus Pneumoniae
This bacterium causes pneumococcal meningitis. This bacterium is found inside the human throat. It lies dormant in the human body but if it attacks, causes pneumonia. It is not contagious and does not spread through sneezing and coughing. - Virus
90% of viral meningitis is caused by the virus present in the stomach. However, there are other viruses that can cause meningitis as well. The other viruses that cause meningitis are herpes, measles, and West Nile. Out of these West Nile is very rare and can result in serious problems. Meningitis may happen to people of all ages, but it generally is more common amongst small children and people aged above 65. People having weak immune systems, regular smokers or those who live in crowded conditions are at a higher risk of getting meningitis.
Some facts about meningitis
This disease mostly occurs because of contagious infections. The germs generally travel from one person to another through tiny drops of liquid from nose and throat of an infected carrier. The infection can spread from someone who is suffering from meningitis or some other infection of the same germ. Sharing drinks, food, tissue, smoke, eating utensils, etc. can spread germs.
In most cases, meningitis germs spread among the people living together. Families where people are sharing towels, kitchen utensils, and beds, as well as when they are kissing each other, the possibility of contracting meningitis becomes greater. People can also be infected from their peers at school. However, a person attracting the meningitis germ does not necessarily suffer from meningitis. They may simply suffer from stomach issues, cold, or flu.
Preventive measures for meningitis
Many viruses and bacteria can cause meningitis. To prevent this infection good personal cleanliness routine is a must and sanitization especially before and after eating and cooking or taking care of small children is essential. It is advisable to wash and clean your hands after you come from outside and after using the washroom. This may avoid not only meningitis but many other similar infections. Maintaining a separate set of utensils and towels also help. Get the vaccine shot for you and your children to protect yourself falling sick due to meningitis.
As they say – There is nothing in this world which does not have a solution and something like meningitis requires only a little care about the lifestyle. Also, if you notice any signs of meningitis, it will be beneficial if you consult with your doctor. This is will not only help you get a proper diagnosis but also help in early diagnosis of the problem.