Urinary Incontinence and Bladder Leakage Treatment
Bladder control problems can be a very embarrassing situation for most people. Some people suffering from urinary incontinence or bladder leakage tend to lose some amount of urine performing simple tasks like running, coughing or sneezing. An inability to control bladder function, however, can be quite bothersome for the patient. Things that fall under this ambit include frequent trips to the washroom or untimely leakage of urine.
While many people tend to skirt the issue because they feel embarrassed, the problem itself can be avoided. In most cases, women, more than men seem to be the ones facing trouble with bladder control.

When must one seek bladder leakage treatment
Bladder leakage can be a major inconvenience. Apart from the actual problem itself, people also feel a certain amount of stigma tied to it. People who face problems with bladder control are more likely to avoid crowds and social gatherings to avoid any untoward incidents. Being unable to control urine flow holds the person back from engaging in physical activities and sports because of the fear that they might trigger an unfortunate incident.
If you experience urine leakage once or twice, it’s likely nothing out of the ordinary.
Bladder leakage treatment
The first step of bladder leakage treatment involves the urologist understanding the patient’s medical history. This includes frequency of urination, urination patterns and how long the patient has faced bladder leakage problems. This helps diagnose the reason and type of urinary incontinence the patient might be facing.
The doctor may also ask the patient to maintain a proper bladder diary to keep track of his or her fluid intake and urination routine. A bladder diary may be maintained for a couple of days or even weeks, depending on the severity of the condition.
Most importantly, doctors suggest a few lifestyle changes that will benefit the patient and help ease the bladder leakage treatment process. This includes following a strict pattern and timetable for fluid intake and bathroom visits. The plan will also include a recommended fluid intake quantity and routine for the patient. This helps regularize and manage the patient’s fluid intake.
Kegel or pelvic exercises can also help improve bladder control. These exercises focus on strengthening the weak pelvic and bladder muscles, leading to improved bladder control. The main objective is to train the body and the mind to respond how you want it to. Most women can benefit immensely from regular kegel exercises post childbirth.
The doctor may also conduct a few tests to understand the condition better and help the Bladder Leakage treatment procedure. Some common tests are,
- Bladder Stress Test
- Urine Culture & Analysis
- Ultrasound
- Cystoscopy
- Urodynamics
Having understood the patient’s problem well, and having diagnosed the type of bladder issue, the medical practitioner will then prescribe a course of medicines, if required, to provide relief to the patient. Medication can help calm overactive bladders and put an end to embarrassing urinary leakage. Other medical alternatives include urethral inserts, botox injections, nerve stimulators, urinary catheters, and radio-frequency therapy.
In severe cases, where all other options fail, doctors are likely to recommend surgery as part of bladder leakage treatment. Bladder leakage is not uncommon and it is treatable. Consult the doctor and you will be healthy again.
Causes of leaking bladder
Bladder leakage can be a symptom of urinary incontinence. A large section of patients suffering from urinary incontinence and bladder control trouble are women. On an average, more women report suffering from bladder leakage and urinary incontinence than men. When one visits the doctor for bladder leakage treatment, the medical practitioner is likely to note down the patient’s medical history to understand the situation better. Some common reasons that could cause a leaky bladder have been listed below.
- Relaxed muscles due to childbirth in women
- Aging
- Menopause
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Uncontrolled Diabetes
- Kidney disease or stones
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Surgery or injury
- Birth defects
- Stroke
- Obesity
- Neurological problems
- Prostate infection or enlargement in men
While older women are more prone to experiencing bladder leakage or urinary incontinence, aging is not a prerequisite for bladder issues. It has also been observed that leaky bladders can result from taking medication prescribed for anxiety, depression, insomnia, pain and high blood pressure. Discuss this with your doctor in detail so you can understand the specific reason for the problem.