How To Read A Urine Color Chart And What To Expect
How to read a urine color chart and what to expect
Urine consists of the excretory byproducts of humans, and they are expelled out of the body in liquid form, from time to time. The humans excrete their ammonic waste along with others in the form of urine. Normally, the waste products in the urine comprise urea, Creatinine, uric acid, etc. The typical color of the urine is light yellow, to a little bit darker shade of yellow but the color may vary throughout the day depending upon the water intake of a person and also sometimes the health condition but overall, it remains light yellow
Though not always necessary, keeping a close watch on the urine composition can help you judge your health better.

If you find something unusual and have been observing it for quite some time, then you should definitely visit a doctor.
Pale yellow
It indicates that your water intake is too much and you need to restrict it
Light yellow
This is the normal color of urine and indicates that the body is functioning normally
Dark yellow
It is a sign of dehydration so you should increase your water intake. Less water intake also makes the urine more concentrated.
It may indicate a problem with the liver functioning and bile duct. Apart from that, certain anti-inflammatory medicines can cause your urine to appear a little orange.
This color may appear due to certain dyes present in your food. If the color persists, then it can be a sign of bacterial infection. Use a urine color chart to find out what exactly your urine color is.
This is very rare and not at all normal if observed. It can be only observed in the case of urine bag syndrome. Use a urine color chart to find out what exactly your urine color is.
Red or pink
Some food material like beetroot and blackberries can cause the urine to appear red if being taken regularly. Use a urine color chart to find out what exactly your urine color is.
The above mentioned are a few colors from urine color chart which can help you in diagnosing diseases. If you are on any kind of medications and the urine color has been unusual since then, consider discussing this with your doctor as there are chances that this is the effect of the medications.
If the urine has traces of red color, then it might be because of the blood. Blood mixed with urine can indicate cancer or maybe because of the onset of periods in women. Diabetic patients tend to have paler and clearer urine.
Apart from the color of urine, other factors which can determine the health of a person are urine consistency and odor. Every person has a distinct odor in their urine, and it necessarily may not mean anything, but if the odor is quite noticeable, then it can be due to bacterial infections. If the urine appears to be sticky, then it can be due to the presence of glucose in it which is not normal to inform your doctor about it. To maintain the health of your urinary tract, drink more water and take care of the sanitation.
Foamy urine is also detected at times, and it can be due to release with extreme pressure or too much protein intake so you might want to take a look at how much protein you have been ingesting lately. This is common in people who go to the gym with the intention of building muscles. It is important to know that in the long run, it might damage your kidney, so it is important to look into it.
People wonder that how often a person should be going to the washroom. There is no definite number as the count may depend on the water intake and eating time which may vary. According to statistics, a normal human goes to washroom around 6-8 times a day. In case of a diabetic person, the urination may increase, and the person might go more frequently. Same is the case with pregnant women; frequent urination may be observed as the pressure on bladder keeps increasing with time and with the growth of the baby.
A urine test is suggested by doctors along with urine color charts in case they suspect something. It can be concluded that our excretory products tell a lot about our overall health, so keep that in mind and take care of your health accordingly.