How to Deal with the Process of Aging
The anti-aging business is flourishing today as a multi- billion-dollar industry as people across the world takes recourse to anti-aging products and services. However, nature provides us with its own products that are a sustainable, efficient way of combating aging and staying young. Dermatologists are of the view that what we ingest is as important as the products we apply on our skin. ‘We are what we eat’ has been a philosophy for centuries and food can be an effective anti-aging tool. Here is a list of vitamins and their food sourc es which are effective for anti-aging purposes:
- Vitamin A
This anti-aging vitamin helps in numerous ways to reduce the effects of aging.

One of the primary benefits of this vitamin is that it keeps intact the collagen in the skin and thickness of the skin thus reducing the effect of bruises and dark circles.
This vitamin is critical for fighting the effects of free radicals that are formed due to digestion, exposure to pollution and radiation. It is an antioxidant which also helps in the continued creation of other antioxidants such as vitamin E. This anti-aging vitamin is also important for collagen production and helping the skin to remain firm and youthful. Another key benefit is that it protects the skin from sun damage. This vitamin also has qualities that prevent cancer and reduces the possibility of developing cardiovascular diseases. Potatoes and citrus fruits a re excellent sources of Vitamin C .
One of the key benefits of this anti-aging vitamin is that it acts as a free radical fighter at the level of skin cells. It helps to prevent cell damage caused due to free radical oxidation and protect cell membranes. This vitamin provides moisture to the skin and helps to fight dry skin. Another important quality of this vitamin is that it strengthens the immune system and helps in the expression of genes. Some good sources of Vitamin E are green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and vegetable oils such as soya bean, corn, and canola.
This anti-aging vitamin also known as Niacin provides several benefits which help in skin health and combating the effects of aging. The principal advantage of this vitamin is that it boosts skin hydration and helps the skin to retain moisture. This helps to make the skin a strong barrier that wards off viruses, bacteria, and other harmful entities. Lack of consumption of this vitamin can lead to dry skin, and such skin allows the entry of elements that can lead to sever e health consequences. Niacin also works internally within the body and protects against the hardening of artery walls and prevents heart attacks and strokes. This vitamin is present in many common foods and can be found in poultry, eggs, meat, fish, and nuts.
Apart from skin health, bone strength plays a critical role as human beings age. Fat, collagen and bone loss makes the skin sag and results in a person looking old. Vitamin D is critical from this perspective as it works with Calcium to ensure good bone strength. This anti-aging vitamin is abundantly available in sunlight. However, dairy products, egg yolks and fatty fish are good dietary sources.
As time goes by , more care and attention needs to be given to our body so that age does not weigh heavy on us. The skin serves as a shield which wards of harmful external elements and numerous processes that are constantly taking place within the skin cells. Apart from the skin, our bones need nourishment so that they can be healthy and strong as we age. The above list of anti-aging vitamins illustrates how various aspects of the skin are influenced by vitamins to ensure good skin health and slow down the effects of aging. One can’t stop time , but care and attention given to consume these vitamins can help one to make the most of the journey that is life.