Hemophilia – 4 main symptoms and their severity
Hemophilia is a rare genetic condition in which a person experiences a deficiency in blood clotting proteins called clotting factors. If one injures oneself, these clotting factors create a sticky paste to eventually stop the bleeding. In hemophilia, people experience excessive bleeding internally and externally, and the blood can take longer than a healthy person’s to clot. The signs and symptoms of hemophilia depend on the severity of the condition.
Mild deficiency
People with mild hemophilia do not usually experience any major symptoms. However, if they undergo surgery or injure themselves by falling, they experience excessive bleeding. During childbirth or menstruation, women may encounter excessive bleeding.

Moderate deficiency
People with a moderate deficiency bruise easily and bleed excessively when bruised. They also experience spontaneous and unexplainable bleeding. Unusual bleeding over everyday things such as an injection may also be a sign. People whose joints have been affected experience irritation and pain. If joint bleeds are not treated immediately, it could lead to consequences like severe pain. Mild symptoms like easy bruising are noticeable in children who have moderate hemophilia.
Severe deficiency
Symptoms of severe hemophilia are similar to those of moderate hemophilia.
Brain hemorrhage: A complication of hemophilia
Sometimes, when people with severe hemophilia suffer a minor hit on their head, it can cause internal bleeding. Although it is rare, a brain hemorrhage is a possibility. It is a serious emergency that needs immediate medical attention. The symptoms include prolonged headaches, weakness, and double vision.
Hemophilia is a serious condition that must not be ignored. Neglection increases the severity of the problem, worsening it. If you happen to experience any of these signs and symptoms, make sure you seek immediate medical assistance.