Effective Tips To Lower Your A1C Score
Effective tips to lower your A1C score
The A1C test is a type of blood test which gives information about a person’s levels of blood sugar, over a period of three months. The A1C test is derived from the relation between the glucose and the hemoglobin, which is a component of the red blood cells (RBCs) and supplies oxygen to different organs. In a human body, RBCs are constantly being formed and also dying, but generally their life span averages to 3 months. Hence this information is used to test if a person has diabetes or not. For people who don’t have diabetes, a percentage below 5.7% is believed to be normal; whereas 5.7% to 6.4% indicates pre-diabetes and that the person is prone to it.

Below are some ideas to inculcate in your daily life to lower A1C levels:
- Exercising
It is very important for all the diabetics to make up their lack of stamina which has occurred due to this problem. It is recommended to obtain a 30-minute exercise for around 5 days a week. This does not have to be hard and tough exercise; it can be easygoing.
You can feed yourself to starch-devoid vegetables, but be careful of the serving sizes while eating fruits, lean proteins or carbohydrates. Eat a salad plate instead of a full-sized dinner, and it can regulate a healthy and balanced diet. Processed foods should be strictly avoided. Also, do not drink any sodas or even fresh juices. A dietician will help you if you are not sure about your diabetic meals. Controlling diabetes and lowering down A1C levels is all related to the observance of the number of carbs that you take up. It is befitting to leave all the junk food and choose a healthier diet like fruits, but you have to monitor the number of carbohydrates that are being ingested.
Do not skip your meals. If you allow excessive time passage between the meals or if you overeat at times, then it will cause your sugar level to drastically fall or rise. A proper schedule will help you to discover your solutions to major lifestyle problems, like losing weight, inculcating physical activity in the routine, coping with anxiety, or consuming a balanced diet. Keep track of what you eat, making you aware of foods and behaviors that only you can alter to lower the A1C score.
According to various endocrinologists, treatments for diabetes is very person specific. Your doctor can only help you in creating a set of steps that only you can follow to successfully control diabetes. The list apart from medical steps also should include emergency contacts (in case of a blood sugar attack), complete medicinal list, blood glucose levels to be achieved, and tips on when and when not to monitor. Make a habit of talking to your doctor if you have any problems with the list or before making any changes to this list.
Talk to your doctor to know if, and the frequency at which you should monitor your sugar levels. Knowing your A1C levels is an integral part of your overall diabetes management. Ask your doctors if you have any doubts regarding the A1C levels.
Some of the foods that you can incorporate into your diet to lower A1C score are:
- Fish
It is one of the very important foods that lower A1C. It is a full of protein and also contains a type of fat which reduces and manages weight inflammation. This step leads to neutralizing diabetes and obesity. Make sure that the fish is not fried; otherwise, its intake will backfire on your health. - Spinach
It is a rich source of Vitamin K and Magnesium. These also lower A1C levels. To obtain the most amount of benefit from this vegetable, its leaves are advised to be eaten raw or blanched quickly. - Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
It does not do any damage to your heart. If you are using regular oil, then it is high time that you switch to extra virgin olive oil now. It has an ingredient called oleic acid which suffices triglycerides and HDL. - Broccoli
It contains a chemical agent called sulforaphane. This vegetable, when eaten, will initiate an anti-inflammatory process in the body which helps in lowering A1C levels down. Sulforaphane also protects your nervous system from any heart disease which has a possibility of killing people suffering from diabetes. - Eggs
It is a source of beneficial health if consumed rightly and regularly. If you are consuming eggs regularly, then you have a lower chance of catching any heart disease and will also help lower A1C level.
Take care of the food you eat, because you are what you eat. Remember to fix your diet for a healthy body.