Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments Of Hemorrhoid
Hemorrhoids, a health condition, are caused by swollen veins located along a person’s anal canal. This is a very common health problem and can even turn out to be a painful condition. However, hemorrhoids are usually not a serious issue. There are a number of hemorrhoid cures and treatments available in the medical world.
The veins of the anal canal may swell inside the canal and result in the formation of internal hemorrhoids. The veins may also swell close to the anal opening and cause the development of external hemorrhoids. A person may suffer from both these kinds of hemorrhoids at the same time as well.

Causes of hemorrhoid
Excessive pressure exerted on veins located in the rectal and the pelvic areas tend to result in hemorrhoids. Usually, the tissue situated in the anus gets filled up with blood in order to help regulate the movements of the bowel. If you tend to strain or if you take a long while to move the stool, the excessive pressure may cause the veins located in the tissue to stretch and swell. This condition causes hemorrhoids.
Constipation or diarrhea may also result in straining and may raise the pressure exerted on the veins located in the anal canal.
Symptoms of hemorrhoids
The most prevalent symptoms pertaining to both external and internal hemorrhoids include:
- Bleeding, caused by movements of the bowel. You are likely to see a few streaks of red blood on the toilet paper if you strain in order to get a bowel movement.
- Itching may occur in the pelvic or rectal area.
- Pain in the rectal area. It may even be painful while cleaning the anal area.
What are internal hemorrhoids?
If you suffer from internal hemorrhoids, you are likely to see red spots of blood on the toilet paper as the symptoms. You may also see red streaks of blood in your toilet bowl, even after you’ve had a normal movement of the bowel. In case of hemorrhoids, it is common to see red spots of blood on the stool surface.
In case of internal hemorrhoids, small veins located on the walls of one’s anal canal is mostly swollen. But they may also be big and sagging veins which tend to bulge out from the anus. This condition usually turns out to be painful, in case the supply of blood to the hemorrhoids is discontinued or cut off. If the hemorrhoids tend to bulge out, the person suffering from the health condition may also spot mucus in the stool or on the toilet paper.
What are external hemorrhoids?
The condition known as external hemorrhoids tends to cause irritation or clots under the person’s skin. This phenomenon results in the person experiencing a very hard and painful lump. This health condition is commonly known as a clotted or a thrombosed hemorrhoid.
Diagnosis of internal and external hemorrhoids
Your physician, in order to do a proper diagnosis, will ask you questions about your health history and carry out physical tests. Patients who are younger than fifty years of age usually do not need a lot of tests. The doctor may only examine the rectum physically, wearing gloves. They may even use a light and short scope for looking into the rectum.
Bleeding in the rectal area is a sign of a chronic health problem; for example, anal, rectal, or colon cancer. Therefore, in case the first test does not reveal a specific reason for the problem, the doctor might use a sigmoidoscope or a light scope for looking into the colon. The doctor might also use a colonoscope for looking into the whole colon, in order to check if there are any other reasons for the bleeding.
Cures and treatment for hemorrhoids
For most cases of external hemorrhoids, treatment at home is all that’s needed. Add fiber to your food, drink more water, and use suitable ointments in order to prevent itching. You can also take stool softeners. The same kind of home remedies can also be done for most cases of internal hemorrhoids.
If internal hemorrhoid turns out to be severe, you might need other kinds of treatment to curb its symptoms. Look for medical attention immediately. The doctor will prescribe tests and medicines suited to your age and health. Surgery may be required if other hemorrhoid cures and treatment methods do not help.