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Causes And Cure for Swollen Finger Pain

Causes And Cure for Swollen Finger Pain

There can be many causes for swollen fingers, but when it occurs, it causes a lot of pain and discomfort. It becomes difficult to flex and move your fingers. Even simple tasks like picking up a pen, or writing becomes difficult. Swelling can occur due to injuries, allergies and also as symptoms of other diseases like arthritis.
Reverse Diabetes Naturally With These Home Remedies

Reverse Diabetes Naturally With These Home Remedies

Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a set of certain metabolic diseases, that lead to the increase in blood glucose or blood sugar levels in the patient’s body. This increase in the blood sugar levels is due to insufficient production of insulin in the body, or when the cells in the body do not respond appropriately to insulin, and a combination of both these reasons could also be a reason that leads to diabetes. People suffering from diabetes urinate often, might have blurred vision, feel more thirsty and hungry, gain weight, feel more exhaustion, may even lose weight, cuts, and bruises hardly heal and may experience a lack of sensation in hands and feet.
Choosing The Best Contact Lenses for Dry Eyes

Choosing The Best Contact Lenses for Dry Eyes

Most people with eye problems prefer contact lenses over glasses as they’re convenient. But one of the most common issues that people with contact lenses face is the drying up of their eyes. This is the result of dry eye syndrome. While this problem is prevalent amongst both users and non-users of contacts, wearing contacts aggravates the symptoms of dry eye syndrome.
Most Essential Vitamins for Improving Brain and Memory

Most Essential Vitamins for Improving Brain and Memory

Brain health and memory can be enhanced with the help of right vitamins. Memory loss is a great concern for many people as they age and, eminent doctors recommend increased intake of necessary vitamins to improve brain health. Here are some of the most effective brain & memory vitamins. Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin for brain health.
Causes Symptoms and Treatment of MRSA Infection

Causes Symptoms and Treatment of MRSA Infection

A skin infection caused by the Staphylococcus bacteria —MRSA or Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus is an infection that can occur in any part of the body. Characterised by mild symptoms like sores and boils, the infection can also graduate to severity by infecting surgical wounds, urinary tract, lungs, and bloodstream. The MRSA bacteria are resistant to commonly used antibiotics and that’s why it’s called the ‘ superbug’, making it difficult for the medical fraternity to treat this condition.
FAQs of Protein Powder

FAQs of Protein Powder

If you are like most, then you are in college or stuck at a 9-5 and simply can’t concentrate on your diet to incorporate enough proteins into it. Buying food from outside to meet your daily protein requirements isn’t a practical solution, and you aren’t in the position to start cooking your own food.
Identify The Signs of Pollen Allergies

Identify The Signs of Pollen Allergies

Allergies occur when the body responses in an irregular manner to an external substance. Most commonly allergies occur in case of certain food items. Medically, the immune system of human being becomes hypersensitive to some external factor. This condition is called allergy. Generally, allergies occur from food, fur, dust or pollen.
Helping You Find Some of the Best Resveratrol Supplements

Helping You Find Some of the Best Resveratrol Supplements

With all the buzz about this plant compound, you might be confused about the actual benefits it provides. Drinking a lot of red wine may seem like the best way to get the benefits of this plant compound. Resveratrol supplements provide larger and concentrated amounts of this beneficial antioxidant, which is more than you could get from any food, per serving.
Everything You Need to Know about a Blood Pressure Chart

Everything You Need to Know about a Blood Pressure Chart

What is Blood Pressure? Blood pressure is the force that transports blood through our circulatory system. It is a life force which pushes oxygen and nutrients around our circulatory system to feed tissues and organs. Blood pressure is also important because it distributes white blood cells and antibodies for immunity, and hormones such as insulin.
5 Things You Should Know about Botox Treatment for Migraine

5 Things You Should Know about Botox Treatment for Migraine

Botox as a treatment for a migraine came to the forefront when some of the people coincidentally discovered relief from migraines after their Botox injections for fine lines and wrinkles. This was when the Botox came into being as a preventive measure for chronic migraine headaches. So, if a person is experiencing chronic migraine headaches and searching for a preventive measure, then Botox can be a popular option.
Here’s How to Identify a Skin Rash

Here’s How to Identify a Skin Rash

Skin rashes can be uncomfortable, unsightly, and downright embarrassing. A skin rash might affect you for multiple reasons and knowing the cause or trigger for your skin rash will go a long way in treating and preventing their occurrence. A rash can be identified based on the appearance of the skin affected.
New and existing treatments for psoriatic arthritis

New and existing treatments for psoriatic arthritis

Know about the New and Existing Treatments for Psoriatic Arthritis Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that is a type of inflammatory arthritis. It causes a long-term condition in most people and may become worse with time, especially if left untreated. When the person suffering from this disease is not given proper treatment or when the treatment is prolonged, it can cause serious damage to the joints in the body.