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Here’s What You Need to Know about Narcolepsy

Here’s What You Need to Know about Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder in humans. It is a disorder that makes a person lose his or her control over sleep and wakefulness. Many people suffer from excessive sleepiness during the daytime. This is a common symptom of narcolepsy. The sleepiness can be at any time during the day, devoid of any environmental factors such as place, time, or activity.
Causes and Natural Treatments for Chronic Diarrhea

Causes and Natural Treatments for Chronic Diarrhea

Diarrhea is an infectious disease that causes unrestrained liquid bowel movements, which may count up to 3 or even more times in a day. Diarrhea is a common disease, and it usually lasts only for a few days either on its own or through consuming over-the-counter medicines. Acute diarrhea occurs due to food intolerance, food allergy or bacterial infection.
Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes is diagnosed in an individual when the pancreas produce little or no insulin. The cells in the pancreas are destroyed by the immune system which further affects the These cells are known as beta cells and are responsible for making insulin. Role of Insulin Insulin as a hormone is known to help in movement of sugar or glucose in the body tissues.
Here Are a Few Common Symptoms of Bronchitis or Pneumonia

Here Are a Few Common Symptoms of Bronchitis or Pneumonia

In this article, we will be looking at some of the most important bronchitis and pneumonia symptoms, so that you can be watchful and alert and visit the doctor at the right time. This is one of the best ways to you can protect yourself and others from a lot of damage.
Neuropathy Foot Pain – Symptoms, Causes, Treatments and More

Neuropathy Foot Pain – Symptoms, Causes, Treatments and More

The nervous system is responsible for control and coordination of the body. It connects all the nerves in the brain and spinal cord to other parts of the body such as face, feet, legs, hands, and face. Signals are carried by the nerves to the brain. Peripheral neuropathy disorder causes the dysfunction of the nerves.
Effective Shingles Nerve Pain Treament

Effective Shingles Nerve Pain Treament

People who have already suffered from chickenpox have the Varicella zoster virus in their body. These people are immune to chickenpox and won’t contract it if attacked by the varicella virus once again. In such cases, they are affected by the virus in a milder way, and they develop shingles.
Hepatitis C – Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

Hepatitis C – Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

Hepatitis C is a viral infection caused by inflammation of the liver. In some cases, it can lead to serious liver damage in people with the condition. The disease mainly spreads through contamination of blood. Earlier the treatment of hepatitis C involved weekly injections that were given to patients and certain oral medications.
Dealing with Itchy Skin

Dealing with Itchy Skin

Facts about itchy skin: Pruritus is the medical term that is used to describe itchy skin. The most common causes of itching include exposure to sun, atopic dermatitis, dry skin, infestations, infections, chronic diseases, stings, bites and allergic reactions. Most anti-itch creams and lotions contain ingredients like pramoxine, diphenhydramine, caladryl, Benadryl, tronolane, camphor, benzocaine and menthol that bring relief to itchy skin.
Hemorrhoids – Types, Symptoms, and Prevention

Hemorrhoids – Types, Symptoms, and Prevention

Hemorrhoids often known as piles are a common disease among people. Every three out of four individuals suffer from hemorrhoids at different ages during their lifespan. Hemorrhoids are the swollen veins in the anus and parts of the lower rectum. There are several causes of hemorrhoids. During deliveries, high pressure is exerted on the veins which may cause piles.
Diverticulitis Symptoms- What’s Causing Your Digestive Problems

Diverticulitis Symptoms- What’s Causing Your Digestive Problems

Here’s What is Causing Your Digestive Problems Diverticulitis is an inflammation of small pockets in the intestine. These are most commonly found in the large intestine but can occur anywhere along the digestive tract. Since the problem often goes unnoticed until it becomes more serious, it’s important to keep an eye out for diverticulitis symptoms.
Common Symptoms of Dust Mite Allergy That You Must Know

Common Symptoms of Dust Mite Allergy That You Must Know

Dust mites feed on dust and dead skin cells shed by people. These tiny bugs grow rapidly in the moist environments with high humidity. The dust mites cause the dust mite allergy which is quite common among the people. As per the report of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), around twenty million people suffer from dust mite allergy in the United States of America.
Know about the Common Symptoms of Gallbladder Pain

Know about the Common Symptoms of Gallbladder Pain

To know if you’re experiencing gallbladder pain symptoms, it is important to first understand what a gallbladder is and what are its functions. The gallbladder is a tiny pouch-like structure underneath the liver which is considered to be a part of the biliary system of your body. This tiny pouch, when full like an inflated balloon around 4 inches, contains a yellowish-brown liquid called bile, which is an essential fluid in the human body that helps in the digestion and breaking up of fatty foods in your small intestine.