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Fibromyalgia – Get a Closer Look at the Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Fibromyalgia – Get a Closer Look at the Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition wherein the person suffering from it feels constant muscle pain. Also known as fibrositis, fibromyalgia is often compared with rheumatoid which is the arthritis-type disorder. However, in fibromyalgia, there is no damage caused to the joints, muscles, or any other tendons or tissues but only severe muscle pain.
Signs and Symptoms of Meningitis

Signs and Symptoms of Meningitis

Meninges are membranes that cover or envelope the brain and the spinal cord. There are three meninges—dura mater, arachnoid, and pia mater. The meninges protect the central nervous system. When bacteria affect these membranes, the condition is then called meningitis. Meningitis is of three types—bacterial, fungal, and viral. Bacterial meningitis is life-threatening and can also spread among people when they come in close contact with each other.  Viral meningitis, however, is not as dangerous as bacterial meningitis and can be recovered without treatment.
Make These Five Changes to Cope with the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Make These Five Changes to Cope with the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a common condition, but often goes misdiagnosed. Also known as a musculoskeletal condition, fibromyalgia causes pain in the muscle and joints resulting in a lot of fatigue. This can also lead to what is commonly referred to as fibromyalgia syndrome, which is a set of symptoms like pain in the muscle, fatigue, and decreased pain threshold.
Signs and Treatments of Hemorrhoids

Signs and Treatments of Hemorrhoids

To undergo proper medication, one needs to understand a problem in depth. The body has a natural notification system if there is any disorder going on within it. It is necessary to act upon these notifications and rectify the issue at stage one. The impact of a stationary lifestyle and lack of appropriate diet is prominently hampering the overall human health.
7 Effective Home Treatments to Treat Spinal Stenosis in The Long Run

7 Effective Home Treatments to Treat Spinal Stenosis in The Long Run

With age comes a variety of ailments. Even though a person might have tried their level best to maintain a healthy life, aging would make them vulnerable to various ailments. The common health issues that older adults face include joint pains, back aches, knee pain, etc. It is an accepted fact that with age, the wear and tear cause our joints to weaken, and we aren’t as strong as we were during our heydays.
Important Things You Should Know about Blood Sugar Levels

Important Things You Should Know about Blood Sugar Levels

The blood sugar levels indicate the amount of glucose which is a source of energy in the body. It is the body’s ability to produce insulin and process sugar. Blood sugar is measured in milligrams per deciliter, or mg/dL. A person’s ideal blood sugar levels in a single day are measured using blood sugar level charts or blood glucose charts.
Causes, symptoms and Home Remedies for Pneumonia

Causes, symptoms and Home Remedies for Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infection that targets one or both the lungs. This infection commonly causes an inflammation of the airspaces in the lungs. The air sacs in the lungs are known as alveoli. The inflamed alveoli get filled with pus and liquid, making it extremely difficult to breathe. Pneumonia and symptoms of pneumonia are caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi that lead to the formation of an infection.
Crohn’s Disease – Things You Should Know about Bowel Disorders

Crohn’s Disease – Things You Should Know about Bowel Disorders

Affecting the small intestine, bowel disorders affect the way in which food is digested and absorbed by human body. Bowel disorders not only affect small intestine but also other parts of the digestive tract. It is important to note that bowel sickness is curable. However, first, it’s essential to have a clear idea of the problem that you are facing.
Simple Steps to Understand Symptoms and Treatments of Mold Allergies

Simple Steps to Understand Symptoms and Treatments of Mold Allergies

What are mold allergies? Molds are nothing but a form of fungus which can grow indoors as well as outdoors. Inside your house, molds usually thrive in bathrooms, basements, kitchen, etc. Although, moisture is the key element for their existence, so if bedroom happens to be damp, molds can quickly develop there.
Information on Crohn’s Disease That You Shouldn’t Miss

Information on Crohn’s Disease That You Shouldn’t Miss

A chronic inflammatory disorder, Crohn’s disease can cause inflammation to the gastrointestinal tract. It may develop anywhere between mouth and anus. Some brief points regarding Crohn’s disease information are listed below Crohn’s disease usually occurs at the end of the small intestine It appears in patches. This means, the inflammation will not be constant throughout the gastro intestinal tract, it would appear near the rectum and some patches of inflammation would be prominent in the mouth.
Here Is a List of Top 12 Migraine Triggers

Here Is a List of Top 12 Migraine Triggers

A headache disorder, migraine is characterized by frequent headaches that can be moderate to severe. Migraines are those types of headaches that are pulsating in nature and affect one-half of the head. Also, migraines can last for up to 72 hours. Migraines are believed to be a mixture of environmental and genetic factors.
6 Reasons that Cause Leg Pain

6 Reasons that Cause Leg Pain

There are various reasons why people suffer from leg pain. While one of the common leg pain causes is the physical activity such as exercise or sports, some people suffer from leg pain due to some severe illness conditions. Sprains and strains are common due to physical activity. The ligaments and muscles are the most affected areas due to strains and sprain.