7 Foods That Help You Detox
Detoxification is an essential way of cleansing your body internally by removing the toxins. So, if you are finding ways to detox, the good news is that certain foods do it instantly.
Here are 7 foods that you must include in your detox diet.
Grapefruit has phytochemicals that help you reducing your appetite and breaking down the fat.
Hibiscus Tea
Hibiscus Tea has flavonoids that directly increase the aldosterone level, regulating your hormones.
Garlic stimulates and prepares detoxification enzymes. These enzymes filter and remove the toxic residues from your digestive system, thereby cleansing it in the right way.

Omega -3 Oils
Avocado, Flaxseed, Olive and Hemp oils help to lubricate your intestinal walls and absorb all the toxins that your body eliminates.
Broccoli Sprouts
Broccoli sprouts stimulate detoxification enzymes at the cellular level that are effective for an internal body cleanse.
Green Tea
Green tea can help you detox by washing off the toxins from your system. It contains catechins, which is a special type of antioxidant. A cup of green tea daily is a must part of your detox diet.
The Asparagus spears also work well as a natural diuretic, which helps to flush out excess toxins.
So, these top 7 detox food can help your body function effectively and leads to effective results in the long run.